Sako/Sarah Koenig
Acupuncturist, Holistic Somatic Practitioner & Workshop facilitator
Sarah Koenig is an acupuncturist, holistic somatic practitioner and massage therapist.
Her workplaces include IKSK (the Berlin institute for sexual culture and body research) at Holzmarkt and OMA OM (ceramics, movement and praxis space) at Rixdorf, Berlin.
As facilitator, Sako creates workshops, performances and events within the spectrum of Movement&Play. Her focus lies on the usage of somatic tools to shape communication and connection.
She is an ex pirate tantric and the founder of Project Playground, a collective dedicated to the art of play.
Jana Scherle
Jana ist eine apokryphe Zauberfee mit einem ausgeprägten Hang zum kontroversen Nichtstun.
Ins radikalutopische IKSK-Universum wird sie ihre langjährige Erfahrung als systemische Familientherapeutin, die eigenen Erfahrungen der letzten 25 Jahre mit erfolgreicher Polyamorie und als Chefin einer Patchworkfamilie sowie ihre Begeisterung für gnadenlose Ressourcenorientierung einbringen.
Micha Stella
Filmmaker, Workshop Facilitator, Curator & Body worker
Micha is a Berlin-based, French-Italian, queer artist, parent and filmmaker.
In their work, they explore, creative collective processes, gender, sexuality, activism, love and relationships, with an ironic, erotic and feminist point of view. They research different body practices, acting techniques, yoga, dance, nutrition, meditation and hypnosis and facilitate workshops on conscious body-mind, gender fluidity, personal growth, sexual empowerment, consent and conscious kink.
Micha Stella is creative co-director and consultant at IKSK, coordinate the treatment team, take pics and create the graphic design for the IKSK telegram Agenda.
Micha believes that troughs Creative & Collective processes with our conscious body-mind-soul, it is possible to survive patriarchy and to transform violent, traumatic and sex negative upbringing into a joyful path of recovery... By coming together, with all our differences, with Radical Honesty, Radical Listening and Radical Empathy, we can set a path that leads to a world of joy and freedom for all.
Noise Artist
Sound is always there.
Stillness, if it’s real, is always there.
There’s a difference between listening and hearing.
There’s a difference between attitude and opinion.
Anna Lysee
Producer, Rope Performer & Teacher, Psychologist (in training)
Anna coordinates the European Rigger and Model Exchange (EURIX), the xplore Berlin festival and is also involved in the organization of IKSK. Parallelly, she studies psychology and aquires different training backgrounds in Integrative Trauma/ Sex / & Play/ Therapy.
In the therapeutic field, she is particularly interested in the development and maintenance of trauma-informed play dynamics. In the scientific field, she focuses her research on neurocognitive, biological and psychological influences on power dynamics and role play.
Rope bondage is Anna's passion and she can look back on many years of diverse experiences both as Rigger and as Model. She loves to teach and perform to show others the possibilities that rope opens up in creative and interpersonal spheres.
Tantra & Systemic Therapist
In 20 years of working as a tantra and sex coach and in more than 10 years of experience as a systemic constellation facilitator, Thomas has developed an appreciative and loving way of working that includes depth, accuracy and humour.
He does not promise any "spontaneous healing" and conveys the newly gained views step by step. Thus the new images can slowly bring about good changes - solutions become visible.
Sanya Alaya
Body & Mind Therapist
Sanya Alaya is a trauma informed body and mind therapist, specialized in holistic wellbeing and sexuality. She is trained and certified by the Sexological Bodywork Institute, Erotic School of Mysteries and Creative Consciousness Coaching Academy.
She created her unique way of working with clients through her EMPLEASUREMENT™ METHOD, as a way to support healing, sensuality, and connectedness with the body.
Tua Herbst
BDSM-Afficionado, Impact Instructor, Tantra and Kink Teacher, Author, Performance Artist
Tua explores all aspects of BDSM since 1990 and shares his insights in workshops (The Dancing Whip & Tantra and Kink), films (The Kinky Life of Tua), magazines (Kinbaku Society Berlin 14), books (Ungezogen) and everyday life. It is important to him to teach his profound knowledge with a lot of humour.
Mareen Scholl
Somatic Coaching, Holistic Bodywork, Sexual Education
As a somatic researcher with a focus on Sexological Bodywork, Pantarei, holistic bodywork, massage and kinky sexwork, Mareen accompanies people in differentiated spaces on different levels of their joyful and meaningful being. Not knowing and uncertainty, knowledgeable intuition, poetry and silence are important companions for her and an integral part of her work. She vehemently resists truths, whereas truthfulness, celebrating simultaneity and diversity is her greatest fetish. She is co-founder of the Institute for Somatic Education, Sexuality and Bodywork ISBBerlin.
Juliette Caryl Morgan
Somatic sex coach
Juliette Caryl Morgan works professionally as a somatic sex coach. She supports people in the exploration of their sexuality and the expansion of their potential for erotic pleasure.
She is interested in dance, tao yoga, kink and bodywork, as well as tao and tantric visualisation and breathwork techniques for channelling (sexual) energy through the body. Since 2019, Juliette has been assisting the ISBS (Institute for Somatic Education, Bodywork and Sexuality, Berlin) and is a coach for the Sexological Bodywork Training.
Sandra X
Rigger, Shiatsu Therapist,
Pro Domme
Sandra is an Italian woman who decided to move to Berlin some years ago to have the possibility to go deeper and research BDSM and its connection with bodywork.
Bondage has been her first love and still is.
She offers professional BDSM sessions in a Domina Studio. She flows between bodywork, live performances, music, and art, drawing and writing.
Natasha NawaTaNeko
Performer, Educator, Somatic Practitioner & Author
Natasha NawaTaNeko is a truth seeker and embodiment enthusiast. In Kinbaku, she is looking for true emotions and authenticity and sees rope bondage as deeply intimate erotic practice that also has a profound transformational potential. Bringing together her experience in Japanese inspired rope bondage and her background in somatics, she developed a structure for rope bottoms to deepen their experience in ropes and make it more internal, conscious and safe. Her recent book “Somatics for Rope Bottoms” consists of 12 somatic inquiries into the life of the body bound by ropes and aimed to remind us about the importance of living in the body as an essential place of change, learning, and transformation.