Creative Mornings
with Micha Stella

Every Friday from 11 to 14

Sliding scale 25€-45€


*PODCAST ABOUT CREATIVE MORNINGS : “PLOMO Y CEMENTO“ by Alvaro ( for Spanish speakers)



Every morning, there are so many things we have to do.

Waking up, bringing the kids to school, going to work, making a living, producing & consuming. But what if, instead, we could design a morning according to our needs?
A morning to question, explore, learn, celebrate, enjoy and all those things we are normally only allowed to do during the so-called free time?

Why listening to our bodies, connecting, expanding and nourishing each other should be a luxury? What could be more important than finding out together what we really need to feel good, inspired and empowered ?

“Creative Mornings“ is an experiment open to everybody, all genders and orientations.

We will dance, share techniques, give and receive massages, propose and experiment different ways to relate, with distance, with touch, with kink and consent...

Everything we need to co-create an inspiring, empowering & graceful morning for everybody.

Every Friday from 11 - 14 // 25€ to 45€


MILANO 23-24-25 Jan 2025

BARCELONA 25 May 2024

DUBLIN 20-21 April 2024

MADRID 23-24 March 2024

MILANO 4-5 Novembre 2023

If you wish to bring Creative Mornings in your own city, just find the right place for it and contact me. I am very happy to travel to bring the Creative Mornings Project everywhere!

And if you have a gallery space we can also bring the immersive installation : "Wildly Now, a Bodypolitic of Freedom“.


Immersive installation: the CREATIVE MORNINGS PROJECT &

“Wildly Now, a Bodypolitic of Freedom“

For the past three years, I have been teaching a class called “Creative Mornings,” mostly every Friday.

The structure of the class remains consistent, but its content is greatly influenced by the participants, changing considerably each time based on their intentions, needs, and wishes.

I have designed this class to incorporate various techniques and practices that I have explored and learned over varying durations. These includes anything that has inspired my creativity and that I consider fundamental knowledge for achieving individual and collective empowerment and freedom.

The range of techniques includes bodywork, acting techniques, instant improvisation, personal growth, conscious kink, fantasy, ritual, and creative play.

The class has also evolved thanks to the responses of those who regularly participate.

Following what I refer to as the “Lazy Warm Up” – consisting of establishing a privileged relationship with our own bodies, celebrating and cherishing individual body parts through self-massage, repetitive movements, meditations, and visualizations – I encourage everyone to reflect on what their bodies, minds, and souls need or would like to experience in the present moment. Participants then write down their thoughts on colored papers, as many as needed to achieve a feeling of satisfaction.

I collect all the papers, randomly select one or sometimes more, and spontaneously create an exercise on the spot. After its execution, I inquire about the author(s) of the paper that inspired the exercise, and those individuals are eligible to receive a bonus. The bonus can either be a specific request from the involved person(s) or a suggestion from me or someone else.

The creativity of everyone is called upon to collaborate in the playful process.

Throughout the class, we engage in a multitude of activities, exploring new ways of interacting with each other, allowing ourselves to explore and reinvent our identities, share and play, heal and surrender, and ultimately enjoy and co-create a transformative and meaningful morning.

It serves as a space where we encounter other Creative Beings and practice being human together.

Since the first class, I have collected all the papers, and on the 22nd of February, I will present an interactive exhibition in the Studio Apelbaum, as part as the explorative series of exhibition LeLab, that take place every two months, as initiative of painter and creative activist Jonathan Apelbaum, my dear brother.

On the 22.2.24 from 18 to 22

“Lazy warm up“sound installation & "Wildly Now, a Bodypolitic of Freedom“

Immersive space at the Lelab 06 /Studio Apelbaum & MF Studio/ Quartier 205 Stadtmitte, Friedrichstraße 67, 10117 Berlin


I am currently in the process of seeking funding to establish a "Creative Mornings Teacher Training Program," where I will share the concepts, the sources, fundamental goals and train the skills needed to facilitate this type of process. My wish is to create a small army of Creative Warriors to inspire as many people as possible, into a “ Creative Revolution“.

The program is going to take place during regular meetings over the span of few months culminating with a performance as final step of the learning process: the “graduation“ of the students will involve leading the public to take part to a Creative Mornings class.

More about Micha Stella: 



Let's dive into a collective factory of magic...

Free, Creative, experimental, human & united.

Let's make revolution in action!

3 SESSIONS : 11-14// 15-18 // 20-23 //

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