Neurodiversities & Intimacy
with Almu, Cecile, Jenny & Michelle 

What happens when we cannot "say what we feel"? 

Do we even know how to listen to, and to name our own feelings, desires and needs? 

In this three day festival, we will explore what our bodies say to ourselves and to others.
We will work with theoretical and practical tools, techniques and ideas to bring into awareness our personal and collective communication habits. We will play with embodied practices to develop an awareness of our nervous systems, how to regulate and communicate with others about them, articulating a specific language around boundaries, consent and intimacy. 

We aim to create a trauma-informed container for vulnerabilities, shared experiences, expertise and knowledge. 

Topics we wish to explore and tackle:
aware and compassionate listening to oneself and others, thoughts vs feelings, dealing with vulnerable states of self and others, emotional literacy / alexithymia, non-violent communication, miscommunication / mismatched needs, family & societal narratives, communication around sexualities…

It will be a place for collective research and celebration of *all* brains and bodies that exist!
People of *all* sexual orientations, genders and backgrounds are welcome! 

Talks and workshops will mostly happen in English, maybe some in German. They will be held separately from each other, so it will be possible to attend single sessions. Find the full programme of specific workshops, talks and topics below! 


The organizers of this event are very close friends from different backgrounds, socialized as women and identifying as queer - who actively question the communication patterns we grew up with. Our desire to communicate better with ourselves and friends, lovers and families about how our bodies respond to boundaries being non-consensually crossed and about the trauma responses these crossed boundaries prompt, brought us to imagine a new creative time & space to share and explore experiences, theories and practices on these important themes.

This weekend will take the form of a festival - we aim to address this topic in an empowering and playful way! 

We held the
CONSENT&FREEZE festival last year at IKSK - this festival will be held in a similar but different way :)


/ Almoudena V. / Graduated in philosophy, she studied contemporary dance, physical theater and improvisation. Her work as a performer/dancer aims to question and challenge the relation between bodies and space, creating installations that explore topics such as sexuality, intimacy, brutality, mental health, public space. She is especially interested in the practice of improvisation and site-specific creations as tools for self- and collective research.

/ Cecile B. / is a cat, queer dancer, teacher, life model, massage therapist, sex+ counselor, and has spent millions of hours caring for children of every age (adults included).
She has studied Psychology and Gender Studies, so her neurodivergent mind is sharp, but at heart she has always been an anthropologist.
Her whole hypersensitive body/mind vibrates when connection & communication with other life forms is deeply enabled.

/ Jenny / is a creative human being who is interested in exploring human satisfaction in life. She has studied Theatre Studies in Berlin where she put her focus on relationship dynamics and aesthetics amongst artists, and Love theory. She believes in the healing potential of collective participation in artistic spaces. Together with Cecile, she hosts the Kinky Life Drawing Berlin at the IKSK, holding space for people to find their own kinky expression to overcome shyness about their body.

/ Michelle Madsen / is a performance artist, writer and facilitator for creative practices in trauma informed spaces. She uses play, dance, Tarot and poetics as the basis for her work both as a creator and a teacher - opening up spaces of imaginative play. Michelle studied Integral Movement and Performance Practice at the Thomas Prattki Centre in Berlin and devised theatre at Arthaus. She has a background in activism, poetry and journalism. Her physical practice draws from Axis Syllabus, Body Mind Centring and Alexander technique.

(basic // support // social)

Please note that some workshops will have reduced capacity and we will prioritize people with passes !

1 talk/workshop/session:

(basic // support // social)
20€ // 25€ // 15€

(basic // support // social)
FRI 60€ // 80€ // 40€
SAT 80€ // 100€ // 60€
SUN 70€ // 90€ // 50€

(basic // support // social)
150€ // 200€ // 100€

Social tickets are for lower income folx, please respect the scale fairly. If you have no income at all, write to us, we can offer volunteer/helper spots <3 If you think the support price is too cheap, feel free to support us more :)

This is a non-profit event, the money made will go to expenses like rent, supplies, and to presenters/organizers allowances.

We stand and speak out against any kind of oppression, against all genocides, walls and borders.

Questions and registration:

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