Sounds are hot. In this workshop we explore how to turn yourself up, on and be deliciously, lustfully contagious.
Many of us have learned to keep quiet in moments of lust. Suffocating the sounds, that would make it all feel even better, so that parents, siblings, roommates, partners or eventually the own children must not hear - all had good reasons. However, if we managed to un-learn these patterns and find our true, lustful voice, we would be surprised how much this can enhance our lust.
Focussing on your own moaning, even if “fake”, can get you turned on and can be a great antidote to a lack of lust and arousal. This phenomenon can function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the act of vocalising pleasure enhances the actual experience of pleasure. We are not talking about faking orgasms to please our partners, but to use intentional moaning as a way to get even more connected to our own bodies and tell our brains that something seriously hot is going on. A nice side effect of this is, that it is irresistibly hot for our partners and therefore works as an amplifier of lust on both sides.
In this workshop we create a space for exploring those deep, primal sounds freely escaping our bodies. With very simple, playful and hot exercises we practice different kinds of breathing, voiceful exhalation, moaning, and maybe even screaming.
You are inspired to - literally - moan like you never did before to find a new vocabulary of expressing your lust.
From beginners to the more experienced moaners - this workshop allows testing different kinds of sounds escaping your body and the observation of the effects of this intentional moaning. How much can you turn yourself on, even if you would normally do it differently? Can you moan deeper, louder, in different sound patterns and what effects does that have on your body and your lust? Can we actually orchestrate our lust together?
Bring nothing but your curious self - and maybe a fresh piece of underwear to change (You’d be surprised how hot this can get!).
Comfortable clothes that allow you to touch yourself are a definite plus. This is a fully dressed workshop with no guarantees to what happens after.
The workshops is open to people curious to look into the lustful sides of moaning - all levels of experiences, all genders and all bodies. If you do not wish to do the workshop with people from all (including your same) genders, this workshop setting is not suitable for you. There will be different exercises with changing partners.
About language: both English and German speakers are welcome here and if needed we will find ways to translate for you.
About U.Y.A.
U.Y.A. likes to find the sweet spot between poetry, healing and sexuality in all its glory. She tasted the (back then) underground kink scene in Tokyo in the early 2000s to then discover Schwelle7 when she moved from there to Berlin. Since then she has been participating and initiating workshops. In the last years she continued to create poetic scenes as interpretations of fantasies that came to or were shared with her. Using voice, particularly moaning and narrating, is her favourite element of kink. This is her first workshop at IKSK where she shares her experiences and experimenting further in the realms of sound.
SUNDAY, May, 25 // 18:00 to 22:00
High Income 70€//Normal Income 50 €// Low Income 35€
DROP IN ONLY, no Registration necessary!