IKA ESKA_Micha Stella


Playspace hosted by Micha Stella

Entrance only between 20-21 // Sliding scale 20 - 40€

IKSK Play Party// 20 - 2 // (Entrance only between 20 - 21) //

Sliding scale 20 - 40€

DROP IN or Registration :



I particularly invite everybody to train the "3R skills" : Radical Honesty, Radical Empathie & Radical Listening.

Our Play Parties take place at dusk, in the floating pyramid, like a spaceship, high above Holzmarkt & the Spree River, where we wish to welcome a protected and privileged environment for all forms of physical interaction, imaginative sexual and non sexual experimentation and sophisticated creation and play. As organizers, we feel our special location in the city is a metaphor for a sexual culture that belongs at the heart of society.

Admission is limited to one hour. After that, we will gather for a short moment all together and open the space for free play. I often lead a small introduction, to facilitate the interaction between all participants and encourage to connect with each other.

I try to propose every time a different focus, welcome specials guests & invite artistic collaborations, to inspire creativity, give space to curiosity, allow to question wishes and desires, as newbies as well as experienced players.

We count on our guests original, unusual and delightful dressing skills.

You are very welcomed to create a special character, embody a role, bring with you toys and tools - as well as knowledge about consent, communication and safer sex practices.

A recent STD test is very recommended.

Switches, Role Players, Queer people and Feminists especially welcome.

Experience in meditation, bodywork, martial arts, dance, theatre, conscious kink, tantra or other "embodied" knowledge is an advantage to be admitted. We particularly enjoy navigating the interface between art and kink practices and try to create individual bliss as well as collective magic.

For people we don't know or who are coming for the first time, we recommend at least not arriving alone. As we only have space for a certain amount of people and wish to maintain the quality of the event, admission cannot be guaranteed. If you wish to get to know us first, please join one of our workshops.

Strictly Dress Code// Entry only between 8 and 9 pm// 20 - 35€




To tell the body/machine what to do, you listen to what the machine/body can do.

To listen, you experience with it.

And to experience, you can join our play ground!

On the 10th of June, I invited the musician programmer from Copenhagen LSWaRe to co-create with me this IKSK Play Party. Our wish to design a sex positive space together first started with a debate about how similarly the processes of Creative Practices & Creative Sexualities both relate to Needs and Desire.

What are Needs & Desires in my Creative Practice ? (LSWaRe)

Central to my creative practices are different kinds of relationships with the machines.


As a PROGRAMMER (telling the machine what to do)

As a MEDIATOR (bridging between the machine and sound)

As a LISTENER (listen to what the machine can do)


Each of these relationships has a directive & receptive side:

– you program in the machine's language (the machine is dominating you)

– you receive specific aspects expressed by machine and you give them voice

– you are free to decide if you listen or not !


How can we use our Needs & Desires to experience a Creative Sexuality? (Micha)


TO CHOOSE/ As a Creative Being with a re-claimed body, you choose to explore with it.

TO COPE/ As a Mediator you try to reach for balance between new and old grounds

TO ENJOY/ you own your body, and express and manifest your needs and desires

(with radical honesty, radical empathy and radical listening)


Each of these Attitudes require the capacity to embody a directive & a receptive side.


– To choose you allow your body to experience in its terms.

– To cope, you look to bring harmony/mediate, between your needs and desires & your new & old belief systems.

– To enjoy/ (to feel free to enjoy) you allow yourself to be in a Sex Positive Spaces, where any of these questions can be addressed, without judgement, guilt or shame.

Put some attention to your dress code and please be on time, we wish to start together and finish together, doors close at 21.
Also remember to bring toys and tools you enjoy to play with & a big towel.

The intention of the night is “to Come Together, as we are“, and I welcome all gender identities, sexual orientations, human and non, creative beings and imaginary characters... Looking forward to our playground.

8th of April // WISHES AND DESIRES

Before to start the celebration, I will invite the participants to take the time to imagine how their ideal play party would be; we will then embody some Creative Playparty Scenarios and share together the empowering feeling to express freely desires and wishes with no judgment and shame. 
How empowering can be to play with the power of our imaginations to voice all our expectations, without censuring any desires and wishes, no matter how banal, perverse or crazy they might be?!
Once exhausted all expectations, we will welcome new space for creation, and open the night and ourself for new discoveries… The intention of the night is “to Come Together, as we are“, and I welcome all gender identities, sexual orientations, human and non, creative beings and imaginary characters...

Put some attention to your dress code and please be on time, we wish to start together and finish together, doors close at 21.

Please Remember to bring toys and tools you enjoy to play with & a big towel
Looking forward to our playground.

-> Experimental Spaces / Play Spaces                                      

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