with/ mit Anna Natt

Luscious Brushes

High Income 30€// Normal Income 25€// Low Income 20€

No Registration, just Drop In!

Sunday, Oct 6, 2024// 19 00 - 22 00//also see program

 Luscious Brushes: An Evening of Aesthetic Leisure
  --> workshop in english

Join Anna Natt for "Luscious Brushes," an evening of sensorial indulgence, and enjoy solo and group brushing while sculpturally lounging naked or dressed in your silkiest robes.

Brushes are deceptively complex; their touch evokes a calm pleasure but can also be intensely stimulating. In “Luscious Brushes”, we will explore the myriad sensations brushes create on the skin and the resonance they generate in the body, while simultaneously perceiving ourselves as part of a composition and practicing the gaze as a haptic sense.

The evening will begin with a brief demonstration on how to use brushes, silk, fingernails, and hair to enchant the senses. After that, we will luxuriate in a sculptural mass while enjoying sensual delights.

Please bring brushes, light silk clothing, and other brush-like objects to touch yourself and others.

Anna Natt is a dancer, choreographer and educator. She was trained as a flamenco dancer in Spain before moving to Berlin in 2005. Her performances and workshops focus on themes such as socialization and gender expression, intimacy and vulnerability, often with a strong collaborative element with musicians and composers of different disciplines. A connection to trance and dream states is also a central theme in her work.


DATE: Oct 6, 2024// 19 - 22 -> program

COSTS: High Income 30€// Normal Income 25€// Low Income 20€



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