IKA ESKA _Distanzzonen

In this workshop, we will refer to the model of distance zones in interpersonal interaction developed by Edward T. Hall, an anthropologist and ethnologist.

Interpersonal communication and interactions in play spaces are unique. Communication, responsibility, and trust play significant roles in these interactions.

We will explore the different environments of the following four zones:


- Intimate Zone


- Personal Zone


- Social Zone


- Public Zone


Choreographer Felix Ruckert and noise artist Phonoschrank will share their knowledge and experience regarding:


- Acoustic and embodied spatial orientation.


- Acoustic and embodied perception of time.


- Acoustic and embodied communication and interaction.


Various sound meditations and exercises will guide these topics to enhance listening skills.


After the workshop ( 12 - 18) we will take a dinner break. In the evening (20 - 23) participants are invited to practice their newly acquired knowledge and experience in a sex positive and kink friendly play space at IKSK, encompassing the intimate, personal, social, and public zones.

This will be a special collaboration of noise artist Rüdiger Wenk aka Phonoschrank with choreographer Felix Ruckert.

What to some might sound a little academic is in fact a very concrete practice. The workshop aims at increasing your knowledge about how human interaction functions in time and space. It will explore the wonders of perception and how it constructs our experience of the world around us. It will teach you to do less and to listen more.

Both artists have vast experience in opening and holding spaces for creativity and play. The afternoon workshop (12 - 18) will therefore be completed by an evening play space (20 - 23) where the investigations of the afternoon can be applied in a sexpositive and kink friendly environment.


40€ Low Income// 60€ Normal Income// 80€ High Income

Registration: Jana

Drop In possible, then be there at 11 45 latest...

Bring comfortable clothes for the workshop and something more creative /spectacular for the play space...!

New paragraph

-> Experimental Spaces / Play Spaces                                      

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