with Micha Stella & Feli Truchero
29.9.23 // Sliding scale 30€ - 50€
entrance only between 20:30 - 21
Unlike other full moons that get their name based on the month they fall in, the Harvest moon gets it name because it is the full moon that is closest to the autumnal equinox, which this year is September 22nd.
The full moon is a popular one as it is related to the changing of the seasons; signifying the conclusion of summer and the beginning of fall. This year, the Harvest moon first appears in the evening of Friday, September 9, 2022, before reaching peak illumination at 4:58 A.M. CDT on Saturday, September 10.
In addition to the full moon, Jupiter and Saturn will be rising with moon. These three will appear to be in a line Friday evening. Jupiter will be to the left of the moon, and will appear brighter than Saturn, which will be on the right of the moon. The moon will eventually appear just below Jupiter Saturday and Sunday night.
THIS HARVEST FULL MOON is hosted by Micha Stella & Felicitas Truchero and it's a creative event open to everybody.
IF YOU ARE REGULAR in our classes and workshops, you can just DROP IN
IF WE DON'T KNOW YOU please write a small email to present yourself:
IF YOU ARE a regular of IKSK FULL MOON PARTY be open to Micha & Feli's special creative style, playfulness & gender fluid focus.
For this special supermoon, we invite you to think what you have seed this year and to bring with you a “cornucopia“ of your finest harvests to share with others ( it can be immaterial cornucopia full of knowledge, creative skills and specials tools, or a more traditional one, with all your favorites... )
Sliding Scale 30€-45€
( you can always get in touch, if you need a special reduction//
specials loved one/or trios reductions)
Please remember to bring a big towel or a big sarong
For several evenings, the moonrise comes soon after sunset. This results in an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening, which was a traditional aide to farmers and crews harvesting their summer-grown crops. Hence, it’s called the “Harvest” Moon.